Bed Bugs

Pest Control Servicing area: Bed Bugs Yuba City, Marysville, Lincoln, Sutter, Roseville, Rocklin, Davis, Chico, Paradise, Gridley, Live Oak, Nevada City and Grass Valley

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are tiny little bugs that feed off of people at night.  They are about the size of a poppy seed and are very good at staying hidden.  Bed bugs can go up to a year without feeding and are very flat which makes it easy for them to hide in tiny cracks.  Their eggs, which are barely visible, are hidden in tiny cracks around the home which is one of the reasons why eradicating them is so hard.  Bed bugs can build up a resistance to pesticides when not treated correctly.  If you have a problem please call us at 530-923-0071.  Self treatments can make the problem worse and cause them to spread throughout the house.

Do I have bed bugs?

Signs of Bed Bugs

          *Dark blood spots on mattress’, box spring and sheet           *Bite marks or itchiness on your skin           *Bed Bug casings (Shell like skeleton of bed bug)           *FINDING BED BUG – IMAGE ABOVE

Treatment Methods Include:

          *Green Methods           *Standard Treatment           *Heat Treatment for chemical resistant bed bugs


If you suspect that you have bed bugs pleas call (530)-923-0071.   By home treatment methods you are likely to spread them to other areas of your home making it more expensive to hire a professional to treat.  Also, failure to eradicate bed bugs with home treatment methods can also build up a chemical resistance in them making it harder for the professional.

Pest Control Servicing area: Bed Bugs Yuba City, Marysville, Lincoln, Sutter, Roseville, Rocklin, Davis, Chico, Paradise, Gridley, Live Oak, Nevada City and Grass Valley